Doctors Orthopaedics DR. ANISHA M.B.B.S ,M.S,D.N.B CONSULTANT ORTHOPAEDICS PUBLICATIONSPoster on “Chronic non pigmented villonodular synovitis in a 10 year old boy”Paper on “Mortality risk associated with hemiarthroplasty for neck of femur fractures and risk factors associated with it”Published in pharmascopePaper on “Management of neglected orthopedic trauma cases due to COVID 19 pandemic”Presented in OASISCON 2021Case report on ” Difficulties encountered during total hip arthroplasty in a patient with Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia ” Published in BMJPaper on “Role of Interleukin-6 andSerum lactate as biomarkers to predictmorbidity and mortality in polytrauma patients “Published in JYXM journalPoster on “Double floating humerus fracture- a misses diagnosis”Presented at KOACON 2023Paper on “Role of intradiscal PRP in treating degenerative disc disease”2nd authorPaper on ” Additional indications of the suprapatellar nailing technique”Presented in BOSCON